Swimming the nuclear

Angenita Teekens


Swimming at Stake

In pre history our ancestors painted these swimmers on a cave wall, in an environment of lakes and rivers. A watery blue/green landscape. 8000 years and a climate U turn later, this Cave of Swimmers is situated in the Gilf Kebir plateau in the Sahara Desert. In a dry ocre and sand coloured landscape. I…

Inlet and outlet

Middle part of the Barrier wall, leftover structure from Bradwell A Nuclear Powerstation in the Blackwater River, Essex UK. 2020 The paper is crisp and crackles when opened, real paper, yellowed.  The  decades old folds resist opening. It takes paperweights and a mobile phone to force it flat.  Real paper, entering, by a click of…


THAMES LIGHTERS, TELLING AN UNEXPECTED STORY Eleven Thames lighters were landed and part filled with concrete on Essex mudflats in 1986. This to protect the seawall at Sales point, in the mouth of the River Blackwater, Essex. Further along the coast stands Bradwell A, a decommissioned nuclear power station. A Thames lighter is a giant…

Angenita Hardy-Teekens

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